Story time

Perhaps you’ve heard about Jack and the Beanstalk, but did you know there are lots of tales about Jacks and lots of tales about Giants. There are stories about Arthur and the round table; stories about the origin of the…

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Eggs at and around Easter

Cub Scouts have been painting egg shells. This time of year many communities celebrate the start of Spring or celebrate religious or cultural events at this time by decorating eggs. We looked at some egg decorations from 60,000 years ago…

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Chris Pyves from the Sharon Junior Chess Club came over and taught the Cub Scouts how to play or improve their chess. Chris Writes this [I’ve jumbled it up a bit to make it fit into a blog post]: On…

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Bat Walk In Platt Field

On 3rd October just as dusk was falling, 23rd Manchester Cub Scouts met in Platt Fields with Kelly, Chris and Jenifer from the South Lancashire Bat Group to go and look for bats. Last week, 23rd Manchester Cubs dictated the…

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Farewell Bagheera

As this term closes, we say good by and farewell to one of our volunteers, Bagheera, as she heads off after completing her studies here in Manchester. Bagheera joined us in June 2021 from Cholrton. She became assistant section leader…

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Cubs Our Camp Blog

It’s been a few weeks since our Adventure camp. This week, we had a reflection session. Cubs were asked to write about their experience for the blog. (Cubs who were unable to make it were asked to discuss with others…

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What’s DNA then?

Akela: What’s the smallest building block of things?  Pack: Atoms. [We did a toy mockup of Rutherfords gold foil experiment last year]  Akela: Excellent… What about these complicated things: [points to table, and door], and this: [sniffs and points all-over…

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Chief Scout Silver Awards 2022

Congratulations to Aadil and Elliott on achieving their Cub Scout Silver Award this year. This is the top award in Cub Scouts and is not gained easily. Aadil moved up to Scouts in the summer term and Elliott moved up…

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Everything Stops for Tea

Cubs have been working towards their “Our Skills” Challenge badge over the past few weeks. It’s one of seven broad themed badges and part of the Chief Scout Award that we work through over the two and a half years…

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In lieu of a local organised public bonfire night we rolled out our brand new fire pit. Thank you @WeAreMcAlpine for the grant to buy this equipment. The group enjoyed a small bonfire and some low noise fireworks arranged by…

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