As this term closes, we say good by and farewell to one of our volunteers, Bagheera, as she heads off after completing her studies here in Manchester.
Bagheera joined us in June 2021 from Cholrton. She became assistant section leader the following term helping the Cubs section. She leaves us in the summer term 2023 and plans to head off to work in Paris for a year. We wish her well with her new adventures.
Bagheera, you know where to find us, don’t be a stranger, good luck and look us up when you get back. All the best 23rd Manchester Scouts.
Left to Right: Mowgli, Beth, Bagheera, Skip, Akela (Grey Wolf)

23rd Manchester Scout Group is a volunteer led organisation. If you would like to help us out, please see out vounteers page or get in touch. We’re always on the lookout for extra hands.
For those of you who would like to see the gift we presented her with please see this face book post.