Here are a few things we didn’t have time to post over the last year.
Building the tallest spaghetti towers (with appropriately selected marshmallows)

Who can build the tallest spaghetti tower in the time limit: a teamwork challenge.
Which approach will win? One team has chosen to use a mushed-up marshmallow foundation glue trick; one, an extra strong multi-stranded reinforced tower tactic; one is focusing on speed and sound geometry.
How computers work

Exploring bitmaps vs vector image formats and designing some procedures to manoeuvre about a grid of obstacles.

Left: Pac-Man and some of the ghosts that the Cubs left behind after making them and playing the game IRL.
Cubs learned a little about buoyancy and drag before playing a game where they had to collect sweets while avoiding getting tagged by a ghost.
Remembrance service in Didsbury
Thank you to our Scouts who came out in the rain. I’m afraid our Scout had the Cubs’ flag and our Cub the Scouts’.

And last but not least…
Here is a picture of our younger members, —the Beaver Scout section—singing campfire songs with Rikki, at our bonfire and games (and AGM) night.