
How to get involved

There are plenty of roles in the Scouts.

  • Section Leaders – on the roll, full on the job training provided.
  • Section Assistants – on the roll and basic on the job training provided.
  • Occasional Helpers – on the roll (so DBS required) Able to help look after and run sessions on at most a once per month basis.
  • Community Experts – tell our group about your skills and help us run an exciting session together with one of the regular leaders.

Young Leaders

If you are between 14 and 18 years old, perhaps enrolled with district Explorer Scouts, perhaps doing Duke of Edinburgh you might like to take on some leadership role with us as part of your award scheme.

Vacancies at 23rd Manchester

We run our three sections on a Tuesday night Beavers and Cubs run concurrently with Beavers finishing just as Scouts are arriving. Ideally we would have a Section Leader, Assistant Section Leader and Section Assistant to help run sessions for each section. Additionally we have a Group Scout Leader and or Deputy GSL, to manage us and the building, and to oversee the needs of the whole group. At the time of writing we are very low on volunteers. We have one Beaver Leader, one Cub Scout Leader, our Deputy GSL is running our Scout Section and our Cub Scout Assistant floats between sections covering where needed.

While it is possible to run a section meeting with just two adult leaders this places restrictions on what we can and cannot do. The Scout Association places rules on who needs to be available for safety and safeguarding. That means that we can operate in the hut (Birch Community Centre and it’s precincts) with 2 leaders, but should we wish to go into the neighbouring park or further afield we need to have many more adults with us. At the current section sizes Beavers would need 3 adults, Cubs would need 3 adults and Scouts 2 adults. This does not take into account any other commitments our leaders might have nor does it take into account volunteer availability levels due to incident or illness. We are therefore always on the lookout for volunteers to fill the basic roles and occasional helpers to help out when needed.

If you are able to help, please consider volunteering for one of our vacant roles shown in the below.

Group Scout LeaderHead of the group and line manager to all leaders.Skip
Deputies GSLs (one or more)Leader appointed to carry our the duties of the GSL as required. Beth
Scout LeaderResponsible for the Scout programme and running Scout sessions.Vacant please get in touch
Assistant Scout Leaders (one or more)Responsible for running Scout sessions and assisting in program management,Norah
Troop Assistants (one or more)Regular helper and able to assist in the running of Scouts’ sessions.Vacant please get in touch
Cub Scout LeaderResponsible for the Cub Scout programme and running Cub Scout sessions.Akela
Assistant Cub Scout Leader (one or more)Responsible for running Cubs’ sessions and assisting in Pack program managementVacant please get in touch
Pack Assistants (one or more)Regular helper and able to assist in the running of Cubs’ sessions.Mowgli
Beaver LeaderResponsible for the Beaver Scout programme and running Beaver Scout sessions.Badger
Assistant Beaver Leaders (one or more)Responsible for running Beavers’ sessions and assisting in Colony program managementRikki
Colony Assistants (one or more)Regular helper and able to assist in the running of Cub Scout sessions.Vacant please get in touch
Occasional HelpersAdults able to help out on an occasional basis.Paul, Ralph
Young LeadersYoung helpers similar to section assistants above. You can be a young leader as a scout member if you are an Explorer Scout;
you can also be a Young leader if you are under 18 and working towards either
your Duke of Edinburgh’s Award or Queen’s Guide Award
Vacant please get in touch

For more information on leadership roles please see either the Young Leaders Scheme or The Scouts Volunteering pages.

To register your interest, please contact Skip.

Board of Trustees

23rd Manchester is a Charity (in fact all Scoiut Groups are charities). As such, we have a board of trustees: a group of adult members responsible to the running of the group within the rules and regulations set out for charitable organisations. A scout group’s board of trustees consists of at number of additional volunteers and in comprised of,—at a minimum—a Chair, a Treasurer, and ex-officio the Group Scout Leader. Trustees may be elected, nominated, co-opted or ex-officio (usually section leaders who volunteer). The board of trustees is as important to the group as the leadership team. If you are interested in helping the board of trustees out please contact Skip who will pass your details onto the chair who will be able to advise on processes or election or nomination.