On 3rd October just as dusk was falling, 23rd Manchester Cub Scouts met in Platt Fields with Kelly, Chris and Jenifer from the South Lancashire Bat Group to go and look for bats. Last week, 23rd Manchester Cubs dictated the following while Akela typed this blog post. These are our words:
“The Cub Scouts at 23rd Manchester recently went on a bat walk. We learned a lot about bats big and small. We found out that bats aren’t blind; they can see perfectly. We saw Common Pipistrelles and Daubenton’s bats. The larger bats come out at sunset and fly over the trees. And the littler bats come out later and fly over the water and through the trees.
“We had bat detectors which made static sounds and tappy [‘Chip Shop! Chip Shop!’] sounds.
“Thank you to the South Lancashire Bat Group for this wonderful experience.
“From all the Cubs at 23rd.”