Looking for something to do in-those-long-winter-evenings / while-the-light-is-still-good-after-work* (delete as appropriate). Have you thought about volunteering for your local Scout group? We’re always looking for new and exciting things to get our Beavers/Cubs/Scouts active and involved with. If that sounds like you, then please see our Volunteers page.
The Scouts play a fundamental role in the lives of young people, and it is fantastic to see that acknowledged through an increase in membership after a tough couple of years.
The pandemic proved the importance of coming together and it’s great to see Scouts enjoying new experiences and learning vital skills for life again. But, as we build back our membership, we need the help of more adult volunteers so that we can continue providing opportunities for many more prospective young Scouts.
Bear Grylls 2021

Do you have a vestigial Scout hiding within?
I was a Cub Scout in the early 80’s and loved it. Recently, I’ve been volunteering with 23rd Manchester Scout Group. I started just before the pandemic. We’ve had a few of our leaders move on because many of our team of helpers have traditionally been those passing through one or other of our local Universities. The pandemic has changed the availability of helpers over the last couple of years and we find ourselves with fewer volunteers than we would like. If you have the inclination to get involved with something like Scouts, look us up, were always happy to talk and bring in new leaders with new skills and hobbies to share. Find us on Facebook (23rdmanchesterscouts), Twitter @23rdManchester and our new website 23rdManchester.uk. If you fancy it give us a call or message us.
Thanks Mike (Akela)