Congratulations to Aadil and Elliott on achieving their Cub Scout Silver Award this year. This is the top award in Cub Scouts and is not gained easily. Aadil moved up to Scouts in the summer term and Elliott moved up recently.

Elliott « sent us this email:
Dear Akela
While I have been a cub, I have had amazing times. I have also had some great experiences. Like staying for two days with my pack and sleeping in tents. When I go me and my pack all play some fun games!
From Elliott

Aadil » writes:
Dear Akela,
What I personally liked at cubs was the variety of activities we did each week. Some weeks we were painting, some we were playing sports and others we were sewing. I learnt a lot of amazing skills and made a lot of great friends. One of my best experiences was when I went camping in cubs and we toasted marshmallows and sang campfire songs.
From Aadil.
We wish them both the very best and hope they will continue to do their best in their new section.
I’ve got one