Criteria for activity/staged badges and challenge awards can be found here:

Beaver Challenge AwardsBeavers Activity Badges
Cubs Challenge Awards Cubs Activity Badges
Scout Challenge AwardsScouts Activity Badges
Table above shows links to pages on the website.

In Scouts we award achievements based on a process called validation. For each child’s work towards a badge, this validation might be done in a number of ways:

  • When they take part in a scout leader led/supervised activity that fulfils a badge requirement;
  • When they do, make or perform a thing that is a badge requirement, and show photos, videos to the leader with an explanation of the requirement to be validated; You can do this online too, see below.
  • When they undertake training at another organisation and achieve a qualification or level that covers a requirement, and can show or send a copy of the certificate or a note from an instructor to vouch for the requirement being fulfilled.
  • When they talk to their scout leader about a badge that they have been working towards and with their leader agree on how this can be validated. For example a demonstration, a short talk, a show-and-tell, or a presentation to the pack, colony, troop or leader as appropriate about an activity they have done.

Once you’ve been awarded your badges you can find out where they need to be sewn on your uniform here: on our Badges page.

Here’s how to let send your leader validation evidence via the Badges at Home tool via Online Scout Manager:

Log into Online Scout Manager as usual and select your child’s record (if you have more than one child registered).
Find the badge in question.
Click “Complete at Home”
Select evidence to upload: pictures, certificates, videos.
Add as many files as necessary.
Check all the badge criteria that your uploaded evidence supports.
Add a note to help your leader understand how your files should validate the activity.
Click “Add”.

Your leader will see the list of badge requirements and can either accept them or use the same tool to ask more questions.